
发布者:孙杰 发布时间:2018-12-13 浏览次数:18396


基本信息 Basic information









联系方式 Contact






研究方向 Research Interests

My research characterizes the features governing nitrogen and carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems, and how these dynamics are influenced by environmental change and tree species. I focus on globalscale perturbations (e.g., elevated carbon dioxide, altered nitrogen availability) in an effort to predict how Earth’s biogeochemical cycles – and their dependencies on each other – will function in the future. Such work is critical for understanding the forest ecosystem production of our planet.


个人履历 Resume


博士20045-20085月,Griffith University Australian School of Environment, Brisbane Australia










7Visiting Professor, 20/07/2018-15/10/2018Griffith University,Australia

8Visiting Scientist, 20/09/2014-15/7/2015Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Kansas Biological Survey, The University of Kansas, USA..

9Visiting Scientist, 21/09/2003-15/2/2004Griffith University, Australia.

10Visiting Scientist, 15/03/2000-15/9/2000Charles Sturt University, Australia.


个人简介  Brief

黄志群研究员19737月生,2007年毕业于澳大利亚Griffith University博士学位国家杰出青年基金获得者,博士生导师。2011-2018年分别入选中组部万人计划科技领军人才、百千万人才工程国家级人选、国家有突出贡献的中青年专家、科技部中青年领军人才、教育部新世纪人才、福建省百人计划和闽江学者特聘教授SCI期刊Plant Growth regulation副主编,Journal of Soils and Sediments责任编委,2015年国际森林土壤学研讨会共同主席201510月,福州)。长期从事人工林经营和森林土壤学研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金等多项科研项目。 发表SCI论文40(第一作者和通讯作者30篇),其中I25篇,II6篇。特邀参与撰写英文专著1部。


教学工作  Teaching Work





代表性论文 Selected Publications

(* indicate students working under my supervision)

1.Shi XZ, Hu HW, Wang JQ, He JZ, Zheng CY, Wan XH*, Huang ZQ. 2018Ammonia-oxidizing archaea outcompete comammox Nitrospira and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in an acidic subtropical forest soil under elevated nitrogen deposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 126:114-122

2. Hu ZH*, Michaletz ST, Johnson DJ, McDowell NG, Huang ZQ, Zhou XH, Xu C. 2018. Traits drive global wood decomposition rates more than climate. Global Change Biology 24:5259-5269

3. Wan XH*, Xiao LJ*, Vadeboncoeur MA, Johnson CE, Huang ZQ. 2018 Response of mineral soil carbon storage to harvest residue retention depends on soil texture: A meta-analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 408: 9–15

4. Yu ZP*, Wang MH*, Huang ZQ, Lin TC, Vadeboncoeur MA, Searle EB, Chen HYH. 2018 Temporal changes in soil C-N-P stoichiometry over the past 60 years across subtropical China. Global Change Biology, 24: 1308–1320.

5. Huang ZQ, Chang S, Clinton PW, Johnson CE, Wang HL, Xu, ZH. 2017 Preface to the Special Issue for the 8th International Symposium on Forest Soils: Linking Soil Processes to Forest Productivity and Water Protection under Global Change. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17: 2215-2217.

6. Wang MH*, Xue JM, Huang ZQ, Horswell J, Kimberley MO. 2017 Long-term biosolids application alters soil microbial community composition and nutrient status in a pine plantation. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53: 799-809

7. Hu ZH*, Xu CG, Mcdowell NG, Johnson DJ, Wang MH, Luo YQ, Zhou XH, Huang ZQ. 2017. Linking microbial community composition to wood C loss during wood decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 104: 108–116.

8. Liu RQ*, Huang ZQ, McCormack ML, Zhou XH, Wan XH, Yu ZP, Wang MH, Zheng LJ. 2017. Plasticity of fine-root functional traits in the litter layer in response to nitrogen addition in a subtropical forest plantation. Plant Soil, 415: 317-330.

9.He ZM, Yu ZP*, Huang ZQ,Davis MR, Yang YS. 2016. Litter decomposition, residue chemistry and microbial community structure under two subtropical forest plantations: A reciprocal litter transplant study. Applied Soil Ecology, 101:84-92.

10. Huang ZQ, Liu B, Davis MR, Sardans J, Peñuelas J, Billings S. 2016. Long-term nitrogen deposition linked to reduced water use efficiency in forests with low phosphorus availability. New Phytologist 210: 431-442.

11.Yu ZP*, Huang ZQ, Wang MH, Liu RQ, Zheng LJ, Wan XH, Hu ZH, Davis MR, Lin TC. 2015 Nitrogen addition enhances home-field advantage during litter decomposition in subtropical forest plantations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry90:188-196.


主要获奖成果 The Main Achievements

 2002年,陈楚莹和黄志群,“在我国亚热带、热带地区建立优质高效人工用材林的建议” ,国务院办公厅采用,国务院总理批示。



科研项目 Research projects


201801-202112月, 国家万人计划领军人才支持经费,主持。直接经费:80万元

201801-202112月, 福建省高校领军人才支持经费,主持。直接经费:120万元




201401-201712月,国家自然科学基金“亚热带人工林树种对土壤氮吸收和转化的影响” (项目编号:41371269,主持。经费:80万元

201401-201808月,国家重大研究计划“典型生态系统土壤有机碳形成与转化的生物学机制” (项目编号:2014CB954002),参与。经费:80万元

201401-201612月, 福建省百人计划支持经费,主持。直接经费:100万元


2011-2014年,教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 “亚热带山地森林生态系统养分循环和碳吸存对炼山和采伐方式的响应”,主持。经费:50万人民币。


研究生培养Graduate Student Cultivation

Shuaijun Li,Ph.D. candidate, 2018–present

Xiaohua Wan,Ph.D. candidate, 2016–present

Liangjian Xiao, Ph.D. candidate, 2012–present
Minghuang Wang, Ph.D., 2013–2018
Wei Gao, Ph.D., 2013–Present
Zaipeng Yu, Ph.D., 2015–2018

Xiaohua Wan, M.S., 2010–2013

Zhenghong Hu, M.S., 2010–2013

Zaipeng Yu, M.S., 2011–2014

Lujia Zheng, M.S., 2012–2015

Ruiqiang Liu, M.S., 2012–2015

Haoyan Xiao, M.S., 2013–2016

Ning Zhang, M.S., 2014–2017

Changpeng Sang, M.S., 2014–2017

Fuwei Zhou, M.S., 2014–2017

Linglun Kong, M.S., 2014–2017

Jiaojiao Liu, M.S., 2014–2017

Yaming Chen, M.S., 2015–2018

Jia Xiong, M.S., 2015–2018